Tuesday, December 8, 2009
LOST gossip

Thursday, October 22, 2009
claire's back

Is there anyone else that you hope comes back next season? Is there anyone that you hope DOESN'T come back?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
who is your favorite character?
Raise your hand if you're excited for LOST to start up again! We just have to wait, um, a couple more months!
J and I recently talked about our favorite characters from LOST. There are a lot of characters that I like. I reeeeally like Mr. Eko, Charlie, and Hurley, but I think that I might like Desmond the best. He's just so great. I like his relationship with Penny, I like that he calls everyone "Brutha," and I really like that he used to be a monk (really, how cool is that?!?). Plus, Desmond is especially interesting because of his time travel/vision/"constant" capabilities. In that sense, I think he might be the most unique character in the show.
If you had to pick ONE favorite LOST character, who would it be?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ace of Cakes
Friday, July 3, 2009
Oh! And as I was standing in line at the store yesterday I saw in the tabloids that the actor who plays Claire is possibly dating Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter...also known as Edward from Twilight. Just a random bit of quasi-Lost-related gossip.
Friday, May 15, 2009
thoughts on LOST finale

There are so many things to think about for the next eight months. I'm curious to know who is this bad-guy-cum-Locke. Why couldn't he kill Jacob himself? It seemed like he couldn't kill him in the 19th century - does he physically need another person (i.e. Ben) to kill Jacob for him? And what was the "loophole" Jacob mentioned - was the loophole a way for the guy to come back to the island (as Locke), or is the loophole a way for Jacob to get killed?
ALSO, I wonder how this bad guy is connected with the island. If smoke-monster-cum-Alex (or maybe it really was just dead-Alex) appeared to Ben and told Ben to follow everything that "Locke" told him to do, does that mean that the island and/or smoke monster support this "Locke" dude? Could this bad guy somehow be connected to the Smoke Monster (or perhaps even BE the smoke monster, with the "loophole" connected to his ability to embody Locke?)
My sister-in-law and I are convinced that Richard was a sailor on the Black Rock. He mentioned that Jacob made it so that he could never age, and we know that he has been on the island a long time. Even though this was an English trading ship, I wonder if he was a Spaniard on the crew (since Ilana called him "Ricardo.") And mems how Richard was building a boat in a bottle that was similar to the Black Rock?
So, I'm starting to think that the Whidmore/Ben battle might be a Jacob/Whidmore battle (and Ben has been caught in the middle, even though Whidmore might also hate Ben for kicking him off the island (per Jacob's instruction?)). During the finale I remembered that Bram (one of the guys in Ilana's group that overturned the crate with Locke's body) was the same guy who abducted Miles in a van, right before Miles joined Whidmore's crew. That makes me think that this is really a Whidmore/Jacob conflict.
But my theory has also made me wonder about Whidmore's motives to kill Ben - could it be that Whidmore wants to kill Ben so that Ben won't be able to kill Jacob? If so, that might further complicate things if this is a Whidmore/Jacob conflict. Maybe this is a Whidmore/Jacob/Ben conflict (and Ben only knows half of the issues?).
And, speaking of Whidmore, I want to know why he was so interested in purchasing that shipmate's journal from the Black Rock (it was sold at auction during the penultimate season - click on Black Rock link above to read more information). Was Whidmore solely interested in this journal for nostalgic reasons, to remember the good times he had on the island? I think not...
AND the big question: did Juliette change the future? I think she did. I'm curious to see what happens. (And how 'bout that totally awesome ending, where the screen went completely white (instead of black, like the usual opening credits?). So awesome. What a great finale.
Friday, May 1, 2009
two questions
- Did Daniel try and change the past by telling Charlotte (as a young girl) something different than what Charlotte revealed before she died?
- In an earlier episode with Mrs. Hawking (with the church and pendulum), she said to Desmond, "The island isn't done with you yet!" So, was she referring to Desmond getting shot by Ben? Does that count as a loose connection to the island? In this past episode while in the hospital, Penny asked Mrs. Hawking if Desmond was going to be alright. Mrs. Hawking replied something like, "For the first time in a long time, I don't know." If she didn't know if Desmond was going to die, that makes me think that whatever incident between Desmond and the island had already happened...
What think ye?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
is penny still alive?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Uncle Rico = Ben's Dad = Awesome.
Now we know for sure that the temple has strange properties which, according to Richard, take away one’s innocence. I’m not sure what that entails, since our previous experience is that people went crazy and then tried to kill Rousseau. And apparently it makes one forget things, so Ben won’t know it was Sayid who shot him? Interesting that Widmore and Eloise are the Hostile leaders right now.
Why does Kate think Clare is still alive? I thought the consensus was that she walked off into the jungle, left Aaron, died, and now hangs out with Christian and/or Jacob. Thoughts? And was Ben’s dad really flirting Kate? Eeeek.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Dead or Alive?
If Ben IS dead, I think it will not affect old Ben's past interactions with the islanders, but that he'll die or disappear or something. But I don't think he's really dead. He's too much of a villain to be off the show that easily.
What think ye?
Friday, March 20, 2009
sun's separation from everyone else

My biggest question is why Sun was separated from the rest of the Oceanic 6 members. I wonder if she got separated because she has motives that are contrary to the will of the island. Throughout the show, the island seems to determine what people are "good" enough to stay/survive. Perhaps Sun was separated from people because she is in cahoots with Whidmore? Or perhaps she was separated because all of the survivors were supposed to return to the island, and that didn't happen if Sun's baby and/or Aaron might be considered as part of the group.
I think Sun is an inherently good person, but maybe she is starting to turn "bad." What do people think?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
frank lapidus
And who was the woman (Rousseau?) that ran off with Frank when they crashed on the island?
I like Frank. I think that he is a sincere guy who wants to help people out. I'm just trying to figure out how he is going to play into all of this.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Why I hate John Locke
On another note: What's with Ceasar? Do you think he knows something about the island already, or is he just a naturally suspicious kind of person?
ben-the-murderer and helen
I also don't think that Helen is dead. I think that Whidmore planted that tombstone so that Locke would believe that she died. That way, Whidmore could make sure that Locke was focusing on gathering the Oceanic 6 together. Plus, Whidmore is all about staging the deaths of individuals - remember when he did it with a whole airplane at the bottom of the ocean?
What do people think? Any other reactions from last night?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kat pregnant?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Benjamin Linus

However, on rare occasions it would seem a glimmer of humanity does indeed exist in those steely, dead eyes of his.
In previous seasons I have really disliked Ben but in this season I find him to be a little endearing, in an odd sort of way. The best moment of the last episode was the exchange between Ben and Jack on the plane:
Jack (exasperatingly): How can you read?!
Ben (calmly, in monotone): My mother taught me.
I still chuckle at it.
Friday, February 20, 2009
LOST and Caravaggio

For a while, J and I were thinking that perhaps the medusa spider (mems how it bit Paolo and Nikki?) might be associated with Locke's "death." However, they mentioned this week that Locke hung himself, so I guess that isn't the case.
I don't like Locke all that much, and all of the hinted comparisons between him and Christ (through themes like sacrifice and resurrection) bother me. I'd rather have someone else be the savior of the island - like Hurley!
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Few Questions.
I do think it's interesting to learn how Rousseau became alone on the island and why she tends to be suspicious of most everyone.
Also, anyone have guesses as to why Enlightenment philosopher names are used in this show?*
-Desmond David Hume
-John Locke
-Danielle Rousseau-- could just be a coincidence, if it's a really common French last name?
Juliet Burke-- maybe also just a coincidence?
Other names of interest:
-Charlotte Staples Lewis-- same middle name, last name, and initials as C.S. Lewis
-Faraday was a 19th century physicist and chemist who worked with electromagnetic fields and radiation
*I see I should probably check out lostipedia more often:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"You just disappeared!"
Friday, February 6, 2009
Remember last season when crazy Hurley told Jack that Charlie had a message for him? Charlie's message was, "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack." At the time, I think most people assumed that this meant Jack was not supposed to raise Aaron. Similarly, when Claire visited Kate's house and told Kate not to bring "him" back to the island, it was assumed that Claire meant Aaron.
But I think that both Charlie and Claire were referring to Locke.
With all of the ambiguity surrounding Locke's death and Ben's insistence on preserving Locke's body, I think there is a good chance that Locke could come back from the dead upon return to the island. I think Claire warned Kate about bringing Locke back to the island, and Charlie was really saying, "You're not supposed to raise him from the dead."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Yeah, Ixoj, I wish that Sawyer and Juliet would hook up. Something needs to happen to break up the love triangle with Sawyer, Kate, and Jack. Can't Juliet be the answer?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Some random thoughts
- I think Miles is the baby from the very beginning of the first episode of the season...the one that belongs to the dude who does the Dharma Initiative videos
- I'm very glad Jin is alive.
- Does anyone else think Sun is freaking awesome?
- Has Charlotte been on the island longest and that's why she started nose-bleeding first? If so, why was she there so long?
- I wish Juliette and Sawyer would hook up
- Is Daniel the son of Widmore and Elle? (the fiesty other from last episode who marched Daniel off into the woods to take care of the bomb) Cherrie actually suggested this one...and she may have read it on Lostpedia...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just wondering.
Friday, January 30, 2009
So why do you think he has this driving need to find the island? Does he want to expose it? Use it for his own pleasure? Move to the island and never age, just like Richard? (maybe the island is a real-life fountain of youth...) Or does the island have some weird hold on him just like it does for Jack, Hurley, and the rest of them? Why was he living on the island in the first place? And why did he need an alias? Do you think Richard knows who he really is? My guess is yes because Richard always seems to know everything.
And why can't Ben kill Widmore? Does living on the island = common brotherhood? Does Sun want his help taking her revenge on Ben, whom she views as being the cause of Jin's death (oh, and do you think Jin is really dead?) Do you think Widmore paid for Daniel's research because he remembered meeting him on the island in 1954? I think so.
I personally think that Widmore probably wants the island for his own purposes, that he hates Ben because Ben knows more about the island than he does, and that for some reason he was banished from the island, maybe by Richard or Jacob. I think Sun wants his help killing or eliminating Ben, and he's kind of interested becaues that means he has a better change of getting back on the island.
Any ideas?
last episode
AND I really liked the scene where Locke asks Richard to come and visit him when he's born. Now it makes sense that John was supposed to recognize the compass when Richard visited him as a boy. And mems how Richard was at the hospital when Locke was born? That makes sense too.
Isn't it great that Penny and Desmond named their little boy Charlie? What a nice tribute. Now they just need to teach their son the song, "YOU ALL EVERYBODY!"
In an email chain with my in-laws and some of their friends, someone mentioned that they think Faraday is going to become one of the villains this season. I wonder how dedicated he is to Whidmore, especially now that we know Whidmore funded his research (for ten years, right?). I think Daniel seems like too sincere of a person to become a "bad guy," but I guess this show is all about the fluxuating boundaries between good and evil.
J speculated the other night that the Jughead bomb got buried and is tied into the hatch and the failsafe key that Desmond had to turn last season. Makes sense to me...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Remember this scene?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Adam and Eve
Thursday, January 22, 2009
my favorite things
Sayid's awesome fighting skills. The whole dishwasher rack thing was clever and gross at the same time.
I really liked seeing Ana Lucia again. That was nice.
I agree with GermyB about feeling distant from the characters last night. I guess there was too much plot to cover, and therefore the character development was ignored. Sawyer didn't even give many endearing nicknames to other survivors! Hmm. It'll be interesting to see how I feel about the characters as the season progresses.
One more question: The beginning of the premiere showed Dr. Chang giving a baby a bottle before going off to record The Arrow training film. Who is this baby? Does this mean during the Dharma Initiative there were no problems with mothers giving birth to babies on the island?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A new round of "what the...?"
- Did Ben hire the lawyers to approach Kate in order to scare her out of her comfortable life?
- Also, is Ben behind the guys in the "safe-house" that attacked Sayid?
- Is Sun aligned with Whidmore (whatever that guy's about...)?
- Does Sun blame Jack for Jin's death, maybe because he prevented Kate from getting him, or something?
- Is the white-haired lady Daniel's mom?
- Who's this Jill lady at the butcher shop? Seriously...
- Daniel at the Dharma Initiative: before or after his research at Oxford?
- Is Hurley's mom in danger now that she knows (or does she really believe) that they lied?
- Richard and the Others: we knew they don't age, but what's their relationship with the time-traveliness of the island?
- Why isn't Daniel helping Charlotte? Is it because he can't do anything to help her? Can't they all be each other's constants? What gives?
- Keeping Locke safe: I guess he'll be coming back to life then...that is, if everything goes according to plan.
- Miles: we knew he talked to dead people, but dead boars? Whatever.
All in all, I'm excited for a new season. I have to say, I'm not as attached to all the characters as I was by the end of last season. Maybe that's just because it's been a while, but I found myself caring less about the individual characters while I watched the premiere. Probably just because they had to pack a bunch of plot into it.
Lastly, that conversation between Hurley and his mom was just a dumb scene. That's all I have to say about that.
I'm bracing myself for an almost-more-than-I-can-handle dosage of time-travel confusion this season...
very excited
Mems how Sun is totally awesome and pretty much bought-out her father's business? I wonder what's going to happen with her (and her dad!) this season.