Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Since we all miss LOST...

Whatever happened to predictability? Good thing we have LOST.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

more LOST footage!

Raise your hand if you miss LOST.

Then raise your other hand if you'd like to see more LOST footage.

If you have both hands in the air, lower one hand so you can click here. That link contains a sneak peek at a new "lost segment" that will be available in the forthcoming DVD of the complete LOST series. This lil' epilogue is a 12-14 minute clip that covers the unknown time from when Hurley is "number one" on the island and the end of the series.

So, here's my question: who is going to fork out the money to buy the complete series DVD, so that all of us can watch this clip? If it doesn't get on YouTube, we might be in trouble.

P.S. Thanks for sending me this clip, E!

Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST memorabilia for sale at auction

LOST memorabilia is going up for auction! (Although part of me whines, "What?!? Already?" I feel like I'm not getting time to pause and mourn the ending of the show.)

You can see a preview of the auction items here.

What would you bid on? Who wants to go in with me on a bid for Charlie's awesome "DS" ring?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

In a word....


What'd you think?

I still have so many stinkin questions.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

finale predictions

We don't have much time before the finale of LOST! Aaah! I think it's a bittersweet thing. I'll miss watching this show, but I'll also be relieved to finally have answers.

J's predictions for the finale
  • Ben will save the day
  • Jack will not have to stay on the island
  • Sawyer and Juliet will meet each other (or possibly be together). Maybe they'll meet at the concert?
  • We will see most (if not all) of the main characters throughout the show, particularly the ones we haven't seen yet this season (i.e. Walt, Mr. Eko, etc.)
  • There will be a flash-forward showing people in the future
  • Jack and Kate won't get together, but it will be implied that they will get together in the future

My predictions for the finale
  • Desmond will save the day
  • Ben will end up staying on the island instead of Jack because a) Ben wants to stay on the island and b) no one cares about Ben finding a happily-ever-after life in civilization
  • Jack and Kate will get back together (largely because too many people would be disappointed if this season ended without a Shephard/Austin kiss)
  • The Smoke Monster/Locke will be killed, and all of the people who were ever killed by the Smoke Monster will then come back to life. (Okay, I don't really think that that last bit will happen, but I do think that the Smoke Monster will be killed.)
  • We will see Sun and Jin again.
Hurry! Write your prediction in the comment section before the finale tomorrow! It will be fun to compare the predictions after all is revealed...