Monday, February 23, 2009

Benjamin Linus

Ben is an enigma. He can trick all the other characters and the viewers into thinking he's helping someone out but in the end, it's all about self-interest. He will use people as long as they are useful and then kill them or whatever, without having any visible remorse. And maybe that's just what is so compelling about him: he is cold, emotionless, and quite machiavellian in his approach to just about everything and everyone.

However, on rare occasions it would seem a glimmer of humanity does indeed exist in those steely, dead eyes of his.

In previous seasons I have really disliked Ben but in this season I find him to be a little endearing, in an odd sort of way. The best moment of the last episode was the exchange between Ben and Jack on the plane:

Jack (exasperatingly): How can you read?!
Ben (calmly, in monotone): My mother taught me.

I still chuckle at it.


  1. Sure. But since his mother died while he was being born, also...mysterious.

    Did you see the Lost Untangled preview on ABC? Recapping episode "316" using Lost character dolls and a pendulum, brother? Because? HILARIOUS!!!

    I don't think I can link to it with the dynamic site, but it's ABC Lost untangled - 506.

  2. That LOST Untangled clip is really funny! Ha! Thanks for pointing that out.

    I cracked up when Ben said that to Jack too, e. He can be really funny and aggravating at the same time.

  3. Rebekah-- oh, yeah. I forgot she died in childbirth. Good point. Thanks for the clip, I'll have to check it out.
