Thursday, February 26, 2009

ben-the-murderer and helen

Mems how Ben killed Locke in last night's episode? WOW. That was totally unexpected. J and I are wondering if Ben believed that Locke would come back to life on the island. When he shut the door to John's hotel room, he said, "Goodbye, John. I'm going to miss you." Hmm.

I also don't think that Helen is dead. I think that Whidmore planted that tombstone so that Locke would believe that she died. That way, Whidmore could make sure that Locke was focusing on gathering the Oceanic 6 together. Plus, Whidmore is all about staging the deaths of individuals - remember when he did it with a whole airplane at the bottom of the ocean?

What do people think? Any other reactions from last night?


  1. it's hard to tell because it was obvious that the tombstone was totally a prop tombstone. I mean if Widmore can fake a airplane crash a tombstone isn't too hard.

  2. Do you think that Locke actually wanted to kill himself because he felt like a loser or he was thinking of killing himself because he needed to die to get back to the island?

    I think he just wanted to die.

  3. Interesting theory about Helen.

    I thought introducing the "risen" Locke back into the show with a (not)dramatic pushing back of the cape/hood thing was lame and predictable.

    Ben always surprises me.
