Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Some random thoughts

  • I think Miles is the baby from the very beginning of the first episode of the season...the one that belongs to the dude who does the Dharma Initiative videos
  • I'm very glad Jin is alive.
  • Does anyone else think Sun is freaking awesome?
  • Has Charlotte been on the island longest and that's why she started nose-bleeding first? If so, why was she there so long?
  • I wish Juliette and Sawyer would hook up
  • Is Daniel the son of Widmore and Elle? (the fiesty other from last episode who marched Daniel off into the woods to take care of the bomb) Cherrie actually suggested this one...and she may have read it on Lostpedia...


  1. The idea that Charlotte is the first to nose-bleed because she's been on the island longest makes a lot of sense. So, Charlotte (for whatever reason), then Miles (because he's that baby), then Juliette... then, eventually, it'd be all the Oceanic people, which would be a great reason for there to be an urgency to get everyone back to the island to stop it from "skipping."

  2. I will say that this episode ended with me jumping on the couch and shrieking, "See! I TOLD you Jin was still alive! I'm totally right!" There wasn't really a need for this show of triumph since P readily agreed with my theory in the first place. But still, it's like the only thing on Lost that I've guessed right, so I was excited to be right, I guess.

    Good call on Miles being Dharma baby. I'm too slow to make that connection (see above paragraph), even when Farraday asks him, "Are you sure you haven't been here before?" Ha ha, oh dear.

    Also, Sun makes me nervous. I can't think she's freaking awesome when she freaking weirds me out.
