Thursday, January 22, 2009

my favorite things

My favorite things about the premiere:

Sayid's awesome fighting skills. The whole dishwasher rack thing was clever and gross at the same time.

I really liked seeing Ana Lucia again. That was nice.

I agree with GermyB about feeling distant from the characters last night. I guess there was too much plot to cover, and therefore the character development was ignored. Sawyer didn't even give many endearing nicknames to other survivors! Hmm. It'll be interesting to see how I feel about the characters as the season progresses.

One more question: The beginning of the premiere showed Dr. Chang giving a baby a bottle before going off to record The Arrow training film. Who is this baby? Does this mean during the Dharma Initiative there were no problems with mothers giving birth to babies on the island?


  1. Ana Lucia pulling Hurley over and giving him a lecture was awesome.

    I think Sun is up to something-- that scene where Kate is crying about Jinn dying on the freighter and Sun asks so coldly, "How's Jack?" Hmm. Also, if they are all going back to the island, does Sun have to take her daughter as well? AND did Jinn really die? Maybe he jumped off the freighter and was in the "radius," as physics man calls it . . .

    Is Ben really going to kill Penny like he threatened Widmore he would? Because that would be lame. I think of all the characters that Desmond has probably had the suckiest time with that darned island.

    Anyone else creeped out by Claire? Seriously. Also, red-haired anthropologist girl = creepy. P and I are thinking (hoping) she's going to disappear as if she wasn't ever born-- all that nose bleed, massive headache, can't remember my mom's maiden name, and I look creepy thing . . . I wouldn't mind if she disappeared.

    How old is physics man, anyway, if he was there during the Dharma Initiative? And how'd he get off the island?

    And finally, WHY won't the dark-haired Others man recognize Locke at their next meeting? Doesn't make sense-- he's been keeping tabs on Locke since he was a boy.

    I get the feeling that the LOST writers are flying by the seat of their pants with each episode. Then when they realize something doesn't add up, they throw something twisted into the mix in an attempt to make it make sense. But it's like lying: when you lie once, you often have to keep lying to cover the first lie. Not that I mind the LOST twists and turns. But they do infuriate me insomuch that I have to wait another week for more answers.

    Ah, another season of LOST.

  2. Good catch m! I didn't even notice the baby bottle...

    E- maybe the dark haired other guy (Richard?) doesn't recognize Locke in his present condition. And I totally agree that Charlote=creept and I hope she disappears. Physics dude could really be any age, but probs was just going back in time to the Dharma people. Hum.

  3. One totally random thought - what if Miles was the baby in the scene with Dr. Chang?!?!?

  4. e, I have to disagree with you. I don't think they writers are flying by the seat of their pants at all. In fact, I think we're really starting to see things become clearer.

    Richard Alpert (eyeliner guy from the Others that meets Locke) knows he's going to meet John next (or some time on John's time-jumping) because Richard has a memory of it. In other words, John is going to meet up with Richard by going back in time. Richard is still a mystery because he doesn't age in any situation...

    Speaking of not aging, remember how he met John as a boy (and looked the same as he does now) in a previous season and showed him a bunch of items and asked which one belongs to him? I think that that incident will be tied into this scene where Richard gives John a compass. The items become a sort of constant that help convince people of the reality of this time travel. What we know now is that John is going to play a key role in saving everyone from some terrible outcome (Ben and hooded woman saying 'then God help us all' if they can't round up Hurley and the others, and if John's body isn't preserved, etc.), and Richard might have been looking for him as a boy to indicate in some way that he would indeed be that key role player / savior by recognizing and claiming one of these 'tokens'. His failure to do so in that scene clearly disappointed and almost deflated Richard. I think at that moment for Richard on his own string of time, the outcome of the island (and probably the show) was hanging in the balance.

  5. Nathan, I also thought about how the compass would tie back to that original scene when Richard visited the boy Locke. It will be interesting to see what plays out in regards to that.

    And mems how Richard is in "The Dark Knight?" It's so weird for me to see these LOST actors in a different setting.

  6. nathan and M: oh, right. I had forgotten (? or maybe just didn't notice) that the compass was one of the items Richard showed Locke as a boy. Good point.

  7. I think Sayid is the hottest thing ever. When he killed that guy in the dishwasher, it was almost as awesome as when he killed Tom in Season 3 with his bare legs.
