Thursday, March 25, 2010

Walt verses Locke

Okay, this is what I have decided.

In one of the very first episodes you see Walt playing backgammon with Locke. Locke, I believe is black and Walt is white. Much like unto how the "good" of Jacob is symbolized through white and the "evil" of the Smoke Monster is symbolized through black, I believe that in the end Walt is ultimately going to return to the island in order to be Jacob's replacement.

This, I feel, would be the awesomest way for the story to come full circle and book end the struggle between good and evil.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting theory. I wonder if the producers of Lost have thought that far ahead. Do you really think Walt will reappear? It's been so long since he had any form of role to play. I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm a bit skeptical. But then again, maybe I'm just disgruntled that they just keep raising MORE QUESTIONS rather than answering them.
