My friend Todd emailed me this photo, knowing that I would appreciate it more than anyone. (Make sure that you click on the photo above to see an enlarged version.) Isn't it great? I've scoured the photograph, hoping to find subtle references to da Vinci's
Last Supper, but I haven't found anything that looks like a striking comparison. Kate is sitting on the left hand of Locke, in a similar position and location as Judas Iscariot in da Vinci's fresco. I think it would have been better if Ben was placed in the Judas Iscariot position, but oh well.
And I guess Sawyer would be in the position of John the Beloved, but I don't think that Sawyer is Locke's "beloved" companion. Really, I don't think that there are too many parallels, beyond the fact that there is a distinct parallel between Locke and Christ, especially since Locke "came back from the dead" last season. But if you find any parallels between da Vinci and LOST, I'd love to hear them.
There are some pretty fun things in the picture, though. The characters are seated at a table, which in actuality is the wing of an airplane. Their seats are also airliner seats. I also love that they are using Dharma cans and pop bottles. You can read a couple more parallels in this article
here (and be sure to check out the far-fetched theories and silly comments accompanying the article).
What's your favorite part of the photo? Given the
Last Supper context, I love that Hurley looks positively biblical. Wouldn't he make a great disciple?